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Once you know the basics of Subkube, let's deploy something cool. We've outlined some resources we think are great to get started using Kubernetes on Subkube.

Helm Charts

Helm is a great tool to get to know k8s using your favourite apps, as it allows you to install and upgrade entire applications to namespaces. From there on you can use our Ingress UI to expose your apps to the world!


It is highly recommended you read the fairly extensive guide we've written on how to use helm before attempting to run any of the following examples. Consider yourself warned


The following code samples assume a default namespace is set, as outlined here.


The worlds most popular CMS, now on Subkube!

helm repo add bitnami
helm install wordpress bitnami/wordpress --set resources.limits.memory=512Mi --set resources.limits.cpu=300m 

Home Assistant

Control your home from the cloud! Well, almost 😉

helm repo add k8s-at-home
helm install home-assistant k8s-at-home/home-assistant

Building an App from scratch

Kubernetes is the ideal platform to develop your new idea on. Use the following guides to get started using the programming language of your preference.

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