In SubKube, your Kubernetes Namespaces are organised inside a Project. Project can be personal, or belong to an Organization.
Namespaces are used in Kubernetes to group Workloads together. Namespaces can operate in various levels of isolation. In SubKube, this is configurable per project.
More about namespaces can be found in the Kubernetes docs
Resource Quota
Resource Quota are set on namespaces by Rancher based on the set Project limits.
More about Resource Quotas in the Rancher (on which Subkube is built) docs
At Subkube, you are charged for reservation resources as specified by the limits of a project. These limits can be changed on the fly. Each hour, we calculate the total of resource limits for a certain resource type during that hour, and charge that to your subscription. If you change the limits for a project, or delete a project within that hour period, you're subscription will be charged for the applicable part of the hour, multiplied by the resource limit.
Persistent Volumes
Are available and can be created using normal PVC's. Storage is implemented using Longhorn CSI.
More about Persistent Volumes and associated Claims can be found in the Kubernetes docs
In Kubernetes, Ingress objects are used to allow your application to be accessed by the outside world, by using a reverse proxy. You can read more about the Ingress concept in the Kubernetes docs
The Nginx Ingress Controller is available for all users of Subkube, including certmanager, to allow SSL certificates to be set up automatically using Let's Encrypt.
The Nginx Ingress Controller allows for very flexible configuration, for a full list of all options please see the nginx-ingress docs